The chiral anomaly in condensed matter physics |
N.P. Ong, Princeton University |
Waves and wakes on water and on the Fermi Sea |
Joe Straley, University of Kentucky @ Blazer |
Colloquium: Electron-Ion Collider - Exploring the Science of Nuclear Femtography |
Dr. Jianwei Qiu (JLAB) |
Colloquium:MicroBooNE and the Pursuit of the Elusive Neutrino Using Liquid Argon Detector Technology |
Matthew Toups (FNAL) |
Colloquium: Final Results from the QWeak Experiment: A search for physics beyond the Standard Model via a measurement of the proton's weak charge. |
Professor Michael Gericke (University of Manitoba) |
Colloquium: Balancing the Cluster Baryon Budget |
Prof. Ann Zabludoff (University of Arizona) |
Colloquium: Probing Topology with Magnetism: A View from the Surface |
Professor Herb Fertig (Indiana University) |
Colloquium: Thermalization, Defects, and Avalanches in Artificial Spin Ice |
Professor John Cumings (University of Maryland) |
Colloquium: On the Trail of the Purest Dark Matter Halos |
Professor Dennis Zaritsky (University of Arizona) |
Colloquium: Dark Matter and the Search for a Fifth Force |
Prof. Jonathan Feng, University of California, Irvine |
Colloquium: Is Basketball Scoring Just a Random Walk? |
Prof. Sidney Redner, Santa Fe Institute |
Colloquium: The Discrete Character of Physical Law: From String Theory to the CMB |
Prof. Liam MacAllister, Cornell University |
Colloquium: Investigating Nanostructure Synthesis Using In Situ TEM |
Prof. Beth Guiton, University of Kentucky |
Colloquium: Investigating Nanostructure Synthesis using in situ TEM |
Prof. Beth Guiton, University of Kentucky |
Colloquium: Ultra-High efficiency phased arrays for Astronomy, Remote Sensing and Satellite Communications |
Prof. Karl Warnick, Brigham Young University |
Colloquium: Digital Unwrapping: Homer, Herculaneum, and the Scroll from En-Gedi |
Prof. Brent Seales, University of Kentucky |
Colloquium: Rydberg Atoms |
Prof. Thomas Gallagher, University of Virginia |
Colloquium: Nobel Prize 2016: Topology in Condensed Matter Physics |
Prof. Ganpathy Murthy, University of Kentucky |
Colloquium: Where do the proton mass and spin come from? |
Prof. Keh-Fei Liu, University of Kentucky |
Colloquium: Is Baseball Scoring Just a Random Walk? |
Prof. Sidney Redner, Santa Fe Institute |
Colloquium: Narrow LHCb Pentaquarks: Experiment and Theory |
Prof. Michael Eides, University of Kentucky |
Colloquium: Carbon in the Early Universe and Observational Constraints on First Star Nucleosynthesis |
Prof. Timothy Beers, University of Notre Dame |
Chamblin Colloquium: String Theory and Strong Interactions |
Prof. Igor Klebanov, Princeton University |
Colloquium: DUNE: The Hot Program in the Cold Detector |
Prof. Christopher Mauger, University of Pennsylvania |
Prof. Isaac Shlosman, University of Kentucky |