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About Physics and Astronomy

The UK Department of Physics and Astronomy comprises 30 regular and 5 active adjunct and/or emeritus faculty members, 11 post-doctoral researchers, 11 office and technical staff members,  90 graduate and 83 undergraduate students. Among its faculty are 10 Fellows of the American Physical Society and several award winning educators. Undergraduate majors and graduate students take a complete array of courses with small class sizes spanning modern topics in physics and astronomy, and they work closely with faculty researchers in studies of nuclear and particle physics, condensed matter and atomic physics, and astronomy and astrophysics.


Mailing Address:


Department of Physics and Astronomy

University of Kentucky

Chemistry-Physics Building, Room 177

Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0055

Departmental Information Number: (859) 257-6722  

Departmental fax number: (859) 323-2846