Colloquium: Explosive Outflows from Massive Protostars: Orion BN/KL and other Transients |
Prof. John Bally, University of Colorado, Boulder |
Colloquium: Weighing Beyond the Standard Model Physics with Neutrinos |
Prof. Martin Fertl, University of Washington, Seattle |
Colloquium: Oxide Electronics |
Prof. Chang-Beom Eom, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Colloquium: Evidence for a fifth force from Beryllium-8 transitions |
Prof. Susan Gardner, University of Kentucky |
Colloquium: Tuning Dimensions of Strongly-Correlated Materials: How Kentucky Inspired Me |
Prof. Ambrose Seo, University of Kentucky |
Colloquium: Picosecond Spin Caloritronics |
Prof. David Cahill, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne |
Colloquium: Storing Energy, The Unsolved Problem |
Prof. Joseph Straley, University of Kentucky |
Colloquium: The Materiality of Vacuum |
Dr. Frank Wilczek (MIT) |
Colloquium: LHCb: Results, Prospects and Pentaquarks? |
Dr. Michael Williams (MIT) |
Colloquium: Star Formation In All the Wrong Places, and Other Astronomical Puzzles, Revealed By the SOFIA Observatory |
Dr. Pamela Marcum (NASA) |
Colloquium: Quantum Quenches: a probe of non-equilibrium many-body physics |
Dr. John Cardy (University of Oxford and University of California, Berkeley) |
Colloquium: Blue Skies, Rainbows, and Neutrons |
Dr. Michael Kovash (University of Kentucky) |
Colloquium: Photoluminescence Spectra of Emeralds from Different Origins |
Dr. David Thompson (University of North Alabama) |
Physics Colloquium: Mapping the Chemistry of the Galaxy with SDSS/APOGEE |
Dr. Jonathan Holtzman (New Mexico State University) |
Physics Colloquium: Material Phase Diagram Chips and Applications |
Dr. Xiao-Dong Xiang (E-Cubed Energy) |
Physics Colloquium: Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment |
Dr. Niv Drory (University of Texas, Austin) |
Physics Colloquium: Gravity, Magnetic Fields, and Star Formation |
Dr. Tom Troland |
Colloquium: Searching for a WIMP signal in the gamma-ray sky |
Savvas Koushiappas, Brown University |
Colloquium: From Voids to Clusters: Gas and Galaxy Evolution in the Local Universe |
Jacquiline van Gorkom, Columbia University |