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Speaker(s) / Presenter(s) Date
Cosmic Building Blocks: Forming Planets from Tiny Grains of Dust Dr. Sarah Sadavoy (Queens University) -
Cloudy - numerical simulations of non-equilibrium plasmas and their spectra Prof. Gary Ferland (University of Kentucky) -
The Heavyweight W boson - an Upset to the Standard Model of Particle Physics Dr. Ashutosh Kotwal (Duke University) -
The superconducting insulator Dr. Aviad Frydman (Bar-Ilan University) -
Effective field theory, factorization and renormalization: neutrino interactions, the Fermi function and more Dr. Richard Hill (University of Kentucky) -
Electrify Everything! Prof. Joe Straley -
TBA Dr. Jeyhan Kartaltepe
On the validity of linear models of electron-lattice coupled systems Steve Johnston, University of Tennessee
Nature Never Deals Off of the Bottom of the Deck…but She Holds All of the Aces: The Joys of Doing Precision Measurement Science Jim Faller, JILA (NIST and the University of Colorado) and University of Glasgow -
Organic Semiconductors: Opportunities (and Obstacles) to Technological Application Emily Bittle, NIST -
Can Renewable Energy Replace Fossil Fuels? Joe Straley, University of Kentucky -
Tabletop Tests of the Standard Model and Beyond: A Tale of Electron Dipole Moments Gerald Gabrielse, Northwestern University
Spin And Charge Transport Through Correlated States In 2D Materials and Heterostructures Chun-Ning Lau, Ohio State University
Scanning New Horizons: Information, Holography & Gravity Robert Myers, Perimeter Institute -
Majorana materializes Jason Alicea, CalTech -
Search for Low Mass Dark Matter at DUNE, A Future Neutrino Experiment Jaehoon Yu, University of Texas, Arlington
Majorana modes and their identification Sumathi Rao, Harishchandra Research Institute
Putting the Electron's Spin to Work Dan Ralph, Cornell University -
Special Colloquium TBA
Special Colloquium TBA
Special Colloquium TBA
Special Colloquium TBA
Special Colloquium TBA
Dualities in Quantum Hall Physics Andreas Karch, University of Washington
A golden age in physics: creating a Quark-Gluon Plasma by smashing big nuclei at very high energies Rob Pisarski, Brookhaven National Laboratory -