Exotic hidden charm pentaquarks were discovered by the LHCb Collaboration in summer 2015. I discuss two interpretations of these newly discovered particles. In the QCD inspired hadrocharmonium approach pentaquarks arise naturally as bound states of quarkonia excitations and ordinary baryons. Decay width of the P_c(4450) LHCb pentaquark is explained and calculated, masses and quantum numbers of new pentaquarks are predicted. In another approach pentaquarks are interpreted as molecular-type loosely bound states of hadrons with open charm. Binding in this model is due to the one-pion exchange and interplay of partial waves with different angular momenta. The hadroquarkonium and molecular approaches to exotic hadrons are compared and their relative advantages and drawbacks are discussed.
Colloquium: Narrow LHCb Pentaquarks: Experiment and Theory
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Prof. Michael Eides, University of Kentucky
Event Series: