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Speaker(s) / Presenter(s) Date
The Future of High Energy Theory with Quantum Computing Henry Lamm (Fermilab)
Classification of Unitary RCFTs with Two Primaries and c < 25 Sunil Mukhi (IISER, Pune and IAS, Princeton)
Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering in Neutrino Oscillation Experiments Shirley Li (Fermilab)
Scattering Amplitudes in Maximally Supersymmetric Gauge Theory and a New Duality Lance Dixon (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Chern Simons Gravity, Baryogenesis and Binary Black Holes Stephon Alexander (Brown University)
Lattice QCD at Non-vanishing Baryon Chemical Potential: Taylor Expansion, Yang-Lee Singularity and Resummation Swagato Mukherjee (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Gravitational Entropy and the Large Scale Geometry of Spacetime Neil Turok (University of Edinburgh & Perimeter Institute)
Detecting Dark Matter in Celestial Bodies Rebecca Leane (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Physics Beyond the SMEFT Jacky Kumar (Technical University of Munich)
Effective Field Theories for Heavy Probes of the Quark Gluon Plasma Peter Vander Griend (Technical University of Munich)
QCD Analysis of ∆S = 0 Hadronic Parity Violation Girish Muralidhara (University of Kentucky)
Unravelling Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry in the Universe Andrea Shindler (Michigan State University)
Collective Effects in Dark Matter Scattering Robert Lasenby (Stanford University)
Baryon Number Violation in Neutron Stars Mohammadreza Zakeri (University of Kentucky)
Strange and Charm Parton Distribution Function (PDF) from Lattice QCD Rui Zhang (Michigan State U.)
Status of first-principles lattice QCD+QED calculations of the hadronic contributions to the muon g-2 Christoph Lehner (BNL, U. Regensburg)
Phenomenology of Scotogenic Inverse Seesaw Mechanism Sanjoy Mandal (IFIC, University of Valencia)
Revisiting Q-Balls Julian Heeck (University of Virginia)
The QCD axion in the O(10) MeV mass range and recent anomalies Daniele S.M. Alves (Los Alamos Natl. Lab. )
Academic Recess -
Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry in Neutral Kaons Zach Polonsky (University of Cincinnati)
Dark Matter Through Solar Reflection Maxim Pospelov (University of Minnesota)
Mesogenesis Dr. Gilly Elor (University of Washington)
Breaking the Warp Barrier: Hyper-Fast Solitons in Einstein-Maxwell-Plasma Theory Dr. Erik W. Lentz (Pacific Northwest National Lab)
Hadron Cosmological Constant and Parton Degrees of Freedom Keh-Fei Liu (University of Kentucky)