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Past Events

Calendar | Event List | Past Events

Speaker(s) / Presenter(s) Date
Theory seminar: Information Loss in AdS3/CFT2 Jared Kaplan (Johns Hopkins) -
Theory Seminar: Monte Carlo calculations on Lefschetz thimbles and beyond Andrei Alexandru (George Washington U.) -
Theory Seminar: New Constraints on Two-dimensional Conformal Field Theories Xi Yin (Harvard) -
Theory Seminar: AdS/CFT via Tensor Network Arpan Bhattacharyya, Fudan University -
Theory Seminar: A New Look at Thermalization of Isolated Quantum Systems Anatoly Dymarsky, UK -
Theory Seminar: Collapse of Axion Stars Rohana Wijewardhana, University of Cincinnati -
Special Seminar: Direct Detection of Gravitational Waves from Colliding Black Holes - The Inside Story Archisman Ghosh (ICTS Bangalore) -
Theory Seminar: Canonical ensemble from ETH Anatoly Dymarsky (MIT) -
Theory Seminar: Higher Rank Wilson Loops in AdS/CFT at One Loop Leo Pondo-Zayas (University of Michigan) -
Theory Seminar: Hadron mass decomposition from lattice QCD simulation Yibo Yang (University of Kentucky) -
Theory Seminar: Gauges and Holography in Higher Spin Duality Antal Jevicki (Brown University) -
Conformal field theory at large central charge Tom Hartman (UK) -
Theory Seminar: Quark and Glue Spins of the Nucleon Keh-Fei Liu (UK) -
Hall transport, angular momentum and Ward identities. Bom Soo Kim (UK) -
Theory Seminar: Relativistic Effective Field Theory and Parity-Odd Transport Matthew Roberts (U. Chicago) -
Universal Hydrodynamics for Quantum Critical Points with Lifshitz scaling Bom Soo Kim (UK) -
Time Dependent Holography Diptarka Das (UK) -
Time-like pion form factor in lattice QCD Xu Feng -
Revisiting soliton contributions to perturbative amplitudes Costis Papageorgakis (Rutgers) -
POSTPONED: Calculating the Casimir energy of an arbitrary smooth compact surface. Joseph Straley (UK) -
Some Interesting Properties of the Spin 3/2 Ground-State Baryon Decuplet Milton Dean Slaughter (Florida International University) -
The New Heavy Mesons Eric Swanson (Pittsburgh) -
Aspects of non-equilibrium dynamics in closed quantum systems Krishnendu Sengupta (IACS - Kolkata) -
Quantum Quench - Critical Dynamics through Holography Diptarka Das (UK) -
A Holographic View on Higher Spin Black Holes Kewang Jin (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) -