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Speaker(s) / Presenter(s) Date
Temperature-Resistant Order in 2+1 Dimensions Dr. Fedor Popov (Stony Brook)
Fractionally Charged Particles at the Energy Frontier Dr. Adam Martin (Notre Dame)
Status update on the muon g-2 Dr. Hartmut Wittig (Institut für Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)
Prospects of supermassive millicharged particles as dark matter Dr. Girish Muralidhara (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)
Higher moments of parton distribution functions from Lattice QCD Dr. Dimitra Anastasia Pefkou (LBNL)
Theory Seminar Dr. Jae Hyeok Chang (Fermilab and Illinois U., Chicago)
Chaotic and Thermal Aspects in the String S-Matrix Diptarka Das (IIT Kanpur)
Critical Phenomena and the Percolation Conduction Problem Dr. Joseph Straley (UK)
Non-invertible symmetries, leptons, quarks, and why multiple generations Dr. Seth Koren (Notre Dame)
Bootstrapping gauge theories Dr. Martin Kruczenski (Purdue)
Nonrelativistic Bound States with Effective Field Theories Dr. Nora Brambilla (Technical University, Munich)
Directions for Particle Physics Beyond Asymptotic Freedom Dr. Daniel Litim (U. Sussex)
The Charm Mission into Flavor and BSM Dr. Gudrun Hiller (TU Dortmund )
Theory/String Seminar: A fresh look at the large N limit of matrix models and holography Gautam Mandal (TIFR)
Effective Field Theories for precision beta decays Dr. Emanuele Mereghetti (LANL)
Probing Strong Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions at Short Distance Dr. Shujie Li (LBNL)
Quantum Computing with Continuous Variables Dr. George Siopsis (UTK)
How are we saved from complete annihilation Dr. Graham White (IPMU,Tokyo & U. Southampton, UK)
IR Phase of Thermal QCD, Non-Analytic Dirac Spectra and Emergent Dimensions Dr. Ivan Horvath (U. Kentucky & Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
(UV-complete) Emergent Matrix Cosmology Dr. Suddhasattwa Brahma (U. Edinburgh, Higgs Ctr. Theor. Phys.)
Quantum Simulation of the Femtouniverse Dr. Patrick Draper (UIUC, Urbana)
The Status of the Cabibbo Angle Anomaly Dr. Mikhail Gorchtein (Mainz University)
Muon g-2 with overlap valence fermions Dr. Gen Wang (Aix-Marseille University)
A Path to Detecting Self-Interacting Dark Matter using Astrophysical Sub-Structure Dr. Oren Slone (Princeton)
Higgs/confinement transitions with fundamental representation matter Laurence Yaffe (U. of Washington) -