Abstract: The properties of the ground-state spin 3/2 baryon decuplet have been studied for many years with limited success. For instance, while the masses, decay aspects, and other physical observables of some of these particles have been ascertained reasonably well, the magnetic moments of most are yet to be determined. In fact, only the magnetic moment of the strangeness S= -3 decuplet member has been accurately determined and that is because it is composed of valence quarks that make its lifetime substantially longer—via weak interaction decay—than any of its decuplet partners which possess strong interaction decay channels. We utilize equal‑time commutation relations involving at most one current density which are valid in broken flavor symmetry and valid even when the Lagrangian is not known or cannot be constructed. We also utilize the infinite‑momentum frame and broken flavor symmetry characterized by the existence of physical on‑mass‑shell hadron annihilation operators and their creation operator counterparts which produce physical states when acting on the vacuum and where physical on‑mass‑shell hadron annihilation operators are related linearly under flavor transformations to representation annihilation operators. This of course has the consequence that physical states—which do not belong to irreducible representations—are linear combinations of representation states which do belong to irreducible representations plus nonlinear corrective terms in the infinite-momentum frame. We note that the particular Lorentz frame that one uses when analyzing current‑algebraic sum rules does not matter when flavor symmetry is exact and is strictly a matter of taste and calculational convenience. When one uses non‑perturbative current-algebraic sum rules in broken flavor symmetry and the infinite‑momentum frame as we do, the choice of frame is paramount since nonlinear corrective terms are best calculated in a frame where mass differences are de‑emphasized.
Some Interesting Properties of the Spin 3/2 Ground-State Baryon Decuplet
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Milton Dean Slaughter (Florida International University)
Event Series: