Astro Seminar |
Dr. Sergio Silich (INAOE, Mexico) |
Astro Seminar |
Dr. Erin Kara (MIT) |
Astro Seminar |
Dr. Adrien Picquenot (NASA) |
Astro Seminar |
Dr. Dario Fadda (SOFIA Science Center) |
Astro seminar |
Dr. Dennis Bodewitz (Auburn U.) |
Astro Seminar |
John Pritchard (UL) |
Astro Seminar |
Dr. Chris Done (Durham U. UK) |
Introduction to the SDSS-V Milky Way Mapper |
Nathan De Lee (NKU) |
Correlation Between the Gas-phase Metallicity and Ionization Parameter in Extra-galactic HII Regions |
Xihan Ji |
Multi-messenger Observations of the Most Relativistic Cosmic Bangs: from Outflows to Remnants |
Alessandra Corsi (Texas Technical University in Lubbock) |
Massive black holes in high-redshift quasar hosts: formation and evolution |
Alessandro Lupi (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca) |
H2 modelling in galaxies at high redshift |
Emililo Romano-Diaz (The Argelander-Institut für Astronomie - AIfA, Bonn, Germany |
An X-ray Perspective on the Evolution of Normal Galaxies |
Bret Lehmer (University of Arkansas) |
Coulomb Universe in a Jellium Droplet |
Eugene Kolomeisky (University of Virginia) |
Where Do Galaxies End? |
Mike Shull (University of Colorado at Boulder; JILA/CASA) |
WEAVE: The next-generation spectroscopic survey facility for the Northern Sky |
Scott Trager (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen) |
Studying the central regions of Active Galactic Nuclei: Feeding and Feedback |
Sibasish Laha (NASA Goddard) |
Grain Depletions in the ISM |
Chamani Gunasekera (University of Kentucky) |
The innermost regions of active galactic nuclei: a view of Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies |
Luigi Gallo (Saint Mary's University) |
From groups to clusters: gas processing and galaxy evolution |
Kelley Hess (ASTRON --- Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy) |
The Radcliffe Wave and the new Local Galactic Neighborhood |
João Alves (University of Vienna) |
Bangs, fizzles, and whistles - the physics of AGN feedback in galaxy clusters |
Christopher Reynolds (University of Cambridge) |
Towards a better understanding of low mass galaxies beyond the Local Group |
Shany Danieli (Institute for Advanced Study) |
The Cosmic Evolution of Galaxy Chemical Abundances and Baryon Cycling Over the Past 12 Billion Years |
Ryan Sanders (University of California at Davis) |
Taking the temperature of the ISM with deep learning |
Claire Murray (Johns Hopkins University) |