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The Department of Physics & Astronomy is excited to welcome professor R


Stargazing is typically reserved for after sundown, but what if you want to look at the biggest star in the sky? On June 5th, 2012, the planet Venus was visible by day – traveling in front of the sun! This is called the Transit of Venus, and is a rare astronomical event. A few hundred people gathered at the UK Arboretum to view the transit of Venus through special telescopes that allow safe observation of solar activity. In this podcast, we went to the Arboretum to talk to participants and…


Charlie Fieseler is an undergraduate student majoring in Physics and Mathematics. Charlie is also a member of A&S Ambassadors, a team of undergraduate students that visit neighboring grade schools to discuss what it's like to be a UK student. In this podcast, Cheyenne Hohman sat down Charlie Fieseler to discuss his personal experiences with the Ambassador program.

This podcast was produced by Sam Burchett.


At UK, the Formation and Evolution of Galaxies Group is a team of graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and faculty, who use the University's Dell Cluster supercomputer to predict and simulate the galactic mechanics of the early universe.

In this podcast, we talk to Isaac Shlosman, the group's faculty lead, about an observational discovery made in the fall of 2011, what will replace the Hubble, and how dark matter forms the back-bone of the universe.…


Each year, the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Physics and Astronomy jointly organize the Van Winter Memorial Lecture, which brings in distinguished speakers to give lectures on matters of common interest to mathematicians and physicists.

This year's speaker is Paul Steinhardt, professor of physics and astrophysics at Princeton University, and director of the Princeton Center for Theoretical Sciences. In this podcast, we spoke to…


Erin Peters is a graduate student in the Chemistry Department, president of the Chemistry Graduate Student Association at UK, and graduate research assistant to Steven Yates. In this interview, Peters talks about her research at UK’s particle accelerator.

This podcast was produced by Stephen Gordinier.

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Steven Yates is an Arts & Sciences Distinguished Professor who works in the departments of both Chemistry and Physics and Astronomy.

In this interview, Yates discusses his recent collaboration with the iThemba Laboratory, a nuclear particle accelerator facility in Cape Town, South Africa.

This podcast was produced by Stephen Gordinier.…


In the Department of Physics and Astronomy, the High Energy Theory Group is a collection of faculty, students, and post-doctoral researchers, investigating the origin and nature of matter and forces. The six faculty members of the group are Sumit Das, Terrence Draper, Michael Eides, Bing-An Li, Keh-Fei Liu, and Alfred Shapere. In this interview, Sumit Das describes the diverse research goals of the group, talks about applying string theory to the origins of the universe, and tells young physicists to follow their hearts.


Tim Knauer is a professor for the department of Physics and Astronomy, and the director of the MacAdam Student Observatory. Each month, he hosts the Kentucky SkyTalks, an ongoing series of discussions on the science of life and the universe.

This podcast was produced by Stephen Gordinier.

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During fall 2010, a panel of A&S alumni described how the University of Kentucky prepared them for their careers.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
