The Second Results from the Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment
Dr. Alec Tewsley-Booth
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Kentucky
Host: Renee Fatemi and Tim Gorringe
Title: The Second Results from the Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment
Abstract: On August 10th, 2023, the Muon g-2 Collaboration presented a new experimental value of the positive muon magnetic anomaly, aμ = (gμ - 2)/2. From this data set, the first analyzed since our release in 2021, we determine aμ = 116592057(25) x 10-11. This result dominates the new experimental world average, aμ = 116592059(22) x 10-11, which includes the 2021 result and the final result from Brookhaven in 2006. This talk will cover the experimental apparatus and analysis techniques used to produce the newest result, especially the improvements made that led to the factor of two improvement over the 2021 result. Additionally, we will cover the state of the theory and its tension with experiment, as well as the contributions from the University of Kentucky.