Crystal growth and exotic magnetic transitions in rare earth orthoferrites RFeO3" |
Shujuan Yuan (Shanghai University) |
"Quantum phase transitions and disorder: Griffiths singularities, infinite randomness, and smearing" |
Thomas Vojta (Missouri University) |
Dynamics of Electrons in Structured Graphene in a Magnetic Field |
Herb Fertig (Indiana University) |
Ground states of the effective spin-1/2 XY pyrochlores: "Quantum Spin Ice" and "Order By Disorder" |
Kate Ross (Johns Hopkins/NIST) |
“Molecules” in solids and novel states close to Mott transition. |
Daniel Khomskii (Köln University). |
Orbital and Spin Magnetism in the Spinel-vanadate, FeV2O4 |
Greg MacDougall (UIUC) |
Static and Dynamic Magnetization Study of Artificial Magnetic Quasicrystals |
Vinayak Bhat (University of Kentucky) |
Condensed Matter Seminar: Effect of an axial magnetic field on a nanotube |
Condensed Matter Seminar: Classifying fractionalization: symmetry classification of gapped Z2 spin liquids in two dimensions |
Mike Hermele |