Magnetic strength of 3He |
Andreas Mooser (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics) |
Precision measurements of rare pion decays in the Pioneer experiment |
Tim Gorringe (University of Kentucky) |
Probing nonlinear gluon dynamics at RHIC and the EIC |
Xiaoxuan Chu (BNL) |
Unpolarized and polarized gluon distributions in the nucleon from lattice QCD |
Raza Sabbir Sufian (U. Kentucky) |
First results from the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) dark matter experiment |
Carmen Carmona (Penn. State) |
Searching for Ultralight Dark Matter with Pulsar Timing Arrays |
Tanner Trickle (Fermilab) |
Nucleon structure and PDFs at large-x |
Arun Tadepalli (JLab) |
Lattice QCD for Neutrino Oscillation |
Aaron Meyer (LBNL) |
QCD in the cores of neutron stars |
Oleg Komoltsev (Stavenger U.) |
Resonant Shattering Flares: Multimessenger Probes of Nuclear Physics |
Dave Tsang (U. Bath) |
Bottomonium suppression in the QGP – From EFTs to non-unitary quantum evolution |
Michael Strickland (Kent State U.) |
The QCD Axion Mass |
Malte Buschmann (Princeton) |
Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering in Neutrino Oscillation Experiments |
Shirley Li (Fermilab) |
Searching for hints of light new physics in \mu^+ and \pi^+ decays at Mu2e |
Ryan Plestid (Caltech) |
First Results from the SIDIS Program at CLAS12 |
Anselm Vossen (Duke) |
Radiative corrections in neutrino scattering |
Oleksandr Tomalak (University of Kentucky) |
Nucleon and nuclear structure from measurements in muonic and normal atoms |
Randolf Pohl (JGU Mainz) |
Experimental Opportunities for Measuring Neutrino Nucleon Scattering with H$_2$/D$_2$ Detectors |
Thomas Junk (FNAL) |
Beyond leading-twist PDFs from lattice QCD: GPDs and twist-3 PDFs |
Martha Constantinou (Temple University) |
A Theoretically Grand Tour of Compton Scattering and Nucleon Polarisabilities |
Harald Griesshammer (George Washington University) |
Gravitational Wave Detection, Dark Matter Searches, and Fundamental Tests of Gravity with Atom Interferometry |
Tim Kovachy (Northwestern University) |
Direct detection for heavy wimp dark matter |
Qing Chen |
Axion Dark Matter and Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay: New Techniques for New Physics |
Lindley Winslow (MIT) |
Separating fact from fantasy in the proton's spin*: the chiral anomaly and the proton spin puzzle |
Raju Venugopalan (Brookhaven) |
Nuclear Physics Aspects of Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering |
Vishvas Pandey (University of Florida) |