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The Proton and the Future of Particle Physics by Richard Hill, University of Chicago.

Matthew Bershady University of Wisconsin

A small fraction of the universe's energy-density is comprised of normal matter. A still smaller…



Many facets of strongly coupled QFT: from QCD to Cosmology By Anatoly Dymarsky





Dr. Ganpathy Murthy University of Kentucky We thought we knew all there was to know about band insulators back in the…



Dr. Fabienne Bastien Pennsylvania State University As a result of the high precision and cadence of surveys like MOST…



Dr. Harsh Mathur Case Western Reserve University The imprint of primordial gravitational radiation on the cosmic…



Dr. Bertrand Halperin Harvard University Theory predicts the existence of some peculiar phases of quantum condensed…



Dr. Jennifer Francis Rutgers University In this presentation, I will discuss the hypothesis proposed by Francis and…