physics & astronomy
New Faculty 2012: Meet Dale Kocevski
The Department of Physics & Astronomy is excited to welcome professor Dale Kocevski to its faculty!
Higgs Discovery: Implications for Particle Physics - 2 Nov. 2012
The LHC has recently discovered a Higgs-like resonance with a mass of about 125 GeV. It may be the missing element of the so-called Standard Model of particle physics. This model was proposed a few decades ago, and, after the inclusion of neutrino masses, describes in an accurate way all measured observables not involving gravity. We shall discuss what are the possible implications of the Higgs Discovery for particle physics and, in particular, for theoretical and experimental physics High Energy Physics in the coming years.
New Faculty 2012: Meet Renbin Yan
The Department of Physics & Astronomy is excited to welcome professor Renbin Yan to its faculty!
Searching for a WIMP signal in the gamma-ray sky: Current status, results and challenges.
Indirect detection of dark matter is extremely important because it probes the same physics that took place in the early universe leading to the observed relic abundance. I will focus on the current state of dark matter annihilation searches, and latest results. In addition, I will discuss on how these results fit in the broad picture of dark matter physics and what are the key outstanding issues in this endeavor.
Undergraduate Research at UK
Students, as well as A&S faculty members Chris Crawford (Physics) and Melody Carswell (Psychology) talk about the undergraduate research opportunities at UK.
This video appears courtesy of Reveal: University of Kentucky Research Media
Oleksandr Korneta
Oleksandr Korneta has been a part of the Center for Advanced Materials since its inception, but his journey to UK’s Physics Department began more than 10 years ago in his native Ukraine.
USS Kentucky's Commander Is a Proud UK Alum
For U.S. Navy Cmdr. Jeffrey Smith, the journey that began at UK has taken him around the world and deep below the ocean's surface, as captain of the USS Kentucky, a nuclear submarine.