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Search for Low Mass Dark Matter at DUNE, A Future Neutrino Experiment

JSB 321 or Memorial Hall
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Jaehoon Yu, University of Texas, Arlington

High energy particle physics seeks to find the fundamental constituents of matter and understand the forces between them. To accomplish this, powerful high energy accelerators are used to probe smallest possible scale along with complex, large scale detectors.  With the discovery of the Higgs particle in 2012, which has been sought for over 5 decades and the subsequent measurements of its properties getting closer and closer to that predicted by the Standard Model, it is increasingly important for the field of high energy physics to fully understand the neutrino sector which deviates from the Standard Model.   The precision measurements of oscillation properties, the mass hierarchy and the CP phase measurements demand high intensity neutrino beams and large mass detectors.  These new facility provide opportunities to search for dark matter which could be produced in the beams and for boosted dark matter which originates from the galactic center. In this talk, I will discuss searches for low mass dark matter at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), progress and timeline of the experiment, including the status of its prototype detectors and the potential for early physics at DUNE.  

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