Neutrinos are the most numerous massive particles in the Universe. Their masses are very tiny, no larger than one millionth the mass of the electron. Are they like all the known massive fermions, being four component particles, or are they a new type of fermion never seen before, a two component fermion? Are there only only three neutrinos or are there more species of neutrinos? Of the three neutrinos we know of, we have determined part of the massing pattern but not the completely pattern. Also we have measured some of their mixing parameters with reasonable precision via neutrino oscillation experiments but not all. Do neutrinos violate CP in neutrino oscillations? Can neutrinos help explain the baryon-antibaryon asymmetry of the Universe? I will address many of the important questions about the neutrinos and how the future Fermilab program will address some of these questions.
Refreshments will be served in CP 179 at 3:15 PM