My research focuses on clusters of galaxies, the largest collapsed objects in the Universe, using X-ray space telescopes (Chandra, XMM-Newton, Suzaku). I am best known for providing observational constraints on the microphysical properties of the intracluster medium and connecting it with the large-scale evolution of galaxy clusters. I also study AGN feedback at centers of clusters and early-type galaxies using X-ray, radio, and optical observations. I am interested in using machine learning techniques to extract information in observational data that is inaccessible by conventional methods. My research has been supported by NSF, NASA, SAO, and NRAO.
I am deeply honored to receive the 2024 Early Career Prize from the High Energy Astrophysics Division of the American Astronomy Society

I spend a lot of time in playgrounds and I feel lucky that I found my own playground -- galaxy clusters. (photo taken at the residential playground at KITP, Santa Barbara)