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Angle-resolved transport nonreciprocity as a new method for probing 2D electrons

Chemistry-Physics Bldg. Room 303
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Jia Leo Li (Brown University)

Title:  Angle-resolved transport nonreciprocity as a new method for probing 2D electrons

Abstract: This talk focuses on a new aspect of electronic properties in a 2D confinement based on the angle-resolved transport nonreciprocity measurement. Nonreciprocity is defined as the difference in DC resistance between forward and reverse current bias. The angular dependence of nonreciprocity allows us to identify symmetry axes associated with electronic states under the influence of strong correlation. I will discuss the evolution of angle-resolved transport nonreciprocity in the phase space of multi-layer graphene samples, where the flat energy band enhances Coulomb correlation and stabilizes a host of exotic quantum phases. By investigating the interplay between transport nonreciprocity, ferromagnetism, and superconductivity, I will show that angle-resolved transport nonreciprocity offers an efficient new tool for probing 2D electrons. 

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