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P&A Scholarships

Physics Scholarships 2025-2026.

The Department of Physics & Astronomy offers scholarships to meritorious students majoring in physics. The number of awards and the amount of each award depend upon funds available for the academic year. UK students who will be physics majors in AY 2025-2026 are eligible to apply. High school seniors who will be UK physics majors in Fall 2025 are also eligible to apply.

A scholarship recipient must register as a physics major before the starting date of the award, must complete at least 3 credit hours of physics courses per semester, must maintain an overall GPA of at least 3.4, and must maintain good progress toward a degree in physics.

To apply for a physics major scholarship, please download and fill out the application form. All applications must be submitted as email attachments sent to with the Subject Scholarship Application. The application may be submitted as a Microsoft Word file (*.doc) or as a pdf file (*.pdf).

The deadline for receipt of applications is 11:59 pm on Monday, March 24, 2025.

Questions? Send an email to Prof. Michael Kovash <> with the subject Physics scholarship question.