Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Kyle McCarthy (University of Kentucky)
Pre-Main Sequence (PMS) evolutionary models are an important tool for deriving the fundamental parameters of young stars. Unfortunately, there are upwards of 10 groups producing PMS models which leads to mass and age differences between models of 50-200%. The goal of this study is to provide the first constraint on the evolutionary models in the F and G spectral regime. We can achieve this constraint by obtaining high resolution spectroscopy of young stars with known ages and deriving their masses to test against the PMS models. Currently, we have performed a detailed analysis on a group of 10 stars which were proposed members of the ~125 Myr moving group AB Doradus. Before the PMS models can be tested, the stars need to be confirmed members of a group in order to identify the proper age. We characterize these 10 stars via three techniques: 1) chemical composition, 2) kinematic traceback, and 3) isochrone fitting. After this analysis, we find 8 confirmed AB Doradus members, 1 plausible member, and 1 likely non-member. We are currently extending this technique to younger groups to populate more of the HR-diagram and successfully constrain the PMS models.
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