Fall 2024
All talks are on Fridays at 2:00pm in CP 287.
9/6 | Joseph Straley |
Symmetry: It makes physics easy, it makes physics hard
9/13 | Christopher Crawford | n2EDM experiment at PSI |
9/20 | Ryan Sanders |
Observational Galaxy Formation and Evolution
with the World’s Most Advanced Telescopes
9/27 | Susan Gardner | Neutrons, Dark Matter, and Neutron Stars |
10/4 | Andra Stroe (Harvard CfA) | Women in Science |
10/11 | Surjeet Rajendran | Dark Matter and More |
10/18 | Joe Brill | Organic Semiconductor research at UK |
10/25 | Alexandra (Zan) Paterson | Organic electronic devices |
11/1 | Bill Gannon | Quantum magnetic materials |
11/15 | Wolfgang Korsch | The Spin: Fundamental Studies and Applications |
11/22 | Glyn Collinson (NASA) | Rocket Scientist |
12/6 | Doug Strachan | Twisted Nano-Devices |