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Multi-messenger Observations of the Most Relativistic Cosmic Bangs: from Outflows to Remnants

Blazer Dining 339 (on zoom)
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Alessandra Corsi (Texas Technical University in Lubbock)

The deaths of massive stars seed our universe with black holes and neutron stars - the most exotic objects of the stellar graveyard. The births of these stellar remnants, as well as their mergers when paired in binaries, power explosions that can launch the most relativistic jets we know of in the universe (gamma-ray bursts) and shake the very fabric of space-time via ripples called gravitational waves. GW170817, the merger of two neutron stars witnessed through both its gravitational wave siren and its glow at all wavelengths of light, represents the first multi-messenger detection of one such extreme cosmic bang. Starting from the example of GW170817, in this talk I will discuss how radio light in particular, and gravitational waves, can be used in tandem to unveil the physics of relativistic transients. I will also highlight opportunities and challenges that lie in front of us, as improvements in detectors’ sensitivities will transform a trickle of multi-messenger discoveries into a flood.

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