Spring 2025
1/17/2025 | Cyprian Lewandowski |
Florida State U./ Magnetic Lab |
``The APS Career Talk'' | Host: Chunli Huang |
(faculty job interviews...) | ||||
3/7/2025 | John Anthony | University of Kentucky | ``From power generation to quantum information science - material development for enhanced singlet fission'' | Host: Susan Gardner |
4/11/2025 | Hee-Jong Seo | Ohio University | TBA (Results from DESI) | Host: Susan Gardner |
4/18/2025 | Gordan Krnjaic | Fermilab/U Chicago | TBA | Host: Susan Gardner |
4/25/2025 | Eric Hudson | UCLA | TBA (Nuclear Clocks) | Host: Wolfgang Korsch |
Fall 2024
8/30/2024 | Renee Fatemi | University of Kentucky | ``The Electron-Ion Collider : The Next QCD Frontier'' | Host: Susan Gardner |
9/06/2024 | Thomas Papenbrock | University of Tennessee, Knoxville | ``Electroweak interactions of nuclei'' | Host: Susan Gardner |
9/13/2024 | Mohammadreza Zakeri | Eastern Kentucky University | ``Pulsars as Laboratories for Fundamental Physics" | Host: Susan Gardner |
9/20/2024 | Hirohiko Shimizu | Nagoya University, Japan | ``Experimental Study of the Time Reversal Invariance in Polarized Epithermal Neutron Optics (J-PARC E99 : NOPTREX)" |
Host: Christopher Crawford |
9/27/2024 | Anatoly Dymarsky | University of Kentucky | ``Codes, CFTs, and ensemble holography" | Host: Bradley Plaster |
10/04/2024 | Andra Stroe | Space Telescope Science Institute | ``Shocking tales of structure formation: Evolving galaxies and black holes in evolving environments" | Host: Yuanyuan Su |
10/11/2024 | Surjeet Rajendran | John Hopkins University | ``Opening up the Gravitational Wave Spectrum" | Host: Susan Gardner |
Special 10/17/2024 Event |
Nathan Seiberg | Institute for Advanced Study |
van Winter Memorial Lecture in Mathematical Physics: ``What is Quantum Field Theory?" |
Host: Sumit Das |
10/18/2024 | Nathan Seiberg | Institute for Advanced Study | ``Quantum Field Theory, Separation of Scales, and Beyond" | Host: Sumit Das |
10/25/2024 | Florian Piegsa | University of Bern, Switzerland | ``Pulsed, Polarized and Sliced – Fundamental Ingredients in Neutron Precision Physics'' | Host: Christopher Crawford |
11/01/24 | Zein-Eddine Meziani | Argonne National Laboratory | ``Visible Matter: Origin and Structure'' | Host: Wolfgang Korsch |
11/08/2024 | Matthew D. Schwartz | Harvard University | ``10,000 Einsteins: AI and the future of theoretical physics'' | Host: Anatoly Dymarsky |
11/15/2024 | Danielle A. Berg | University of Texas, Austin | ``Observational Benchmarks of Galaxy Evolution from CNO Emission in Extreme Emission Line Galaxies'' | Host: Ryan Sanders |
11/22/2024 | Glyn A. Collinson | NASA / GSFC | ``The Discovery of Earth's Third Global Energy Field by NASA’s Endurance Rocketship'' | Host: Susan Gardner |
12/06/2024 | James Sauls | Louisiana State University | (to be rescheduled) | Host: William Gannon |
12/13/2024 | Keh-Fei Liu | University of Kentucky | ``Cosmological Constant and Archimedes' Principle" | Host: Susan Gardner |