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Mixing local and extended operators: a 2d vertex algebra in 4d N = 2 SCFTs

CP 303
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Mitch Weaver

Algebras of supersymmetry protected local and extended operators can provide analytic access to the dynamics of supersymmetric quantum field theories, even when they are strongly interacting. For example, unitary 4d N ≥ 2 superconformal field theories (SCFTs) contain a protected subsector of local operators, the so-called Schur operators, which produce an associated 2d vertex operator algebra (VOA). I will show that one can use these Schur operators to construct a fascinating web of extended operators (lines, surfaces, ...) which exist in every such SCFT. Moreover, these extended operators will mix with the local Schur operators to form a larger algebraic structure called a 2d vertex algebra. I will illustrate the richness of this mixed structure explicitly in the case of a free hypermultiplet.

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