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Magnet Field Design for the SNS Neutron EDM Experiment

CP 179
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Dr. Mark McCrea, University of Kentucky

Measurements of the neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) are currently of considerable experimental interest due to their high probability of being able to discover new physics within and beyond the Standard Model in the next generation of experiments.   The current upper limit of the nEDM of 3e-26 ecm and the next generation of experiment plan to improve on this by making measurements that are up by up to two orders of magnitude more precise.  One of these next generation experiments is the SNS nEDM experiment which will run at the Spallation Neutron Source in Tennessee.

The SNS nEDM experiment plans to calculate the nEDM by measuring the change in the difference of the precession frequencies of polarized neutrons and helium-3 that coexist together in a uniform magnetic field when a strong electric field is reversed.  To maintain the helium-3 polarization as it is transported from the beam source to the measurement cell a complex series of magnets are required.  I will discuss the design process of the magnets that starts with FEA simulation of the winding and the fields in Comsol Multiphysics, the creation of a CAD model from the simulation and how 3D printing can be used to prototype the magnets, as well as built the final magnet design.

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