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Krylov construction and classification of ergodic Floquet systems

CP 303
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Dmitry Trunin (Princeton U.)
Krylov construction reduces involved state or operator dynamics to a local one-dimensional model, which makes it an indispensable tool for exploration of complex quantum systems. We extend Krylov construction to periodically driven (Floquet) quantum systems using the theory of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. Compared to other approaches, our method works faster and maps any quantum dynamics to a one-dimensional tight-binding Krylov chain, which is efficiently simulated on both classical and quantum computers. We also study a classification of chaotic and integrable Floquet systems based on the asymptotic behavior of Krylov chain hopping parameters (Verblunsky coefficients). We illustrate this classification with random matrix ensembles, kicked top, and kicked Ising chain.


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