Nuclear Seminar: Decay Spectroscopy Experiments Using the GRIFFIN Facility and Rare Isotopes Produced at TRIUMF
GRIFFIN [1], the Gamma-Ray Infrastructure For Fundamental Investigations of Nuclei is the new decay spectroscopy array located at TRIUMF, Canada’s National Laboratory for Nuclear and Particle Physics, in Vancouver, Canada. GRIFFIN consists of 16 large-volume hyper-pure germanium (HPGe) clover detectors assisted by a custom-built digital data acquisition system. A suite of ancillary detector systems are coupled to GRIFFIN for comprehensive decay spectroscopy experiments with radioactive beams delivered by the TRIUMF-ISAC facility.
The early-implementation experiments with radioactive beams were performed with the GRIFFIN array, coupled to SCEPTAR [2], an array of plastic scintillators for beta-particle tagging, and PACES [2], an array of five lithium-drifted silicon detectors for high-resolution internal conversion-electron spectroscopy. Eight lanthanum bromide scintillators for fast gamma-ray timing measurements [2], and a neutron detector array for the detection of beta-delayed neutron-emitting nuclei called DESCANT, [3] are also available for future experiments.
Results obtained with the GRIFFIN spectrometer near and far from stability using beta decay of beams of 115g,mAg [4], 128−130Cd [5], 46,47K [6,7], 32Na [8], and 132In [9] will be presented along with a discussion of future opportunities, including the addition of the Compton and background suppression shields.
The GRIFFIN spectrometer is funded by the Canada Foundation for Innovation, TRIUMF, and the University of Guelph with matching contributions from the British Columbia Knowledge and Development Fund and the Ontario Ministry of Research and Industry. TRIUMF receives federal funding via a contribution agreement through the National Research Council of Canada. This research is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
[1] C.E. Svensson and A.B. Garnsworthy, Hyperfine Interactions 225, 127 (2014).
[2] A.B. Garnsworthy and P.E. Garrett, Hyperfine Interactions 225, 121 (2014).
[3] P.E. Garrett, Hyperfine Interactions 225, 137 (2014).
[4] R. Dunlop et al., to be published.
[5] R. Dunlop et al., Phys. Rev. C (2016).
[6] J.L. Pore et al., to be published.
[7] J. Smith et al., to be published.
[8] F. Sarazin et al., to be published.
[9] K. Whitmore et al., to be published.