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Condensed Matter Seminar

Our condensed matter seminars are held on Tuesdays at 3:30pm in Chemistry-Physics Building, Room 179, unless otherwise noted below. A number of the department colloquium may also be of interest.

Condensed Matter Seminar: Quantum rotor in nanostructured superconductors

Despite its apparent simplicity, the idealized model of a particle constrained to move on a circle has intriguing dynamic properties and immediate experimental relevance. While a rotor is rather easy to set up classically, the quantum regime is harder to realize and investigate. Here we demonstrate that the quantum dynamics of quasiparticles in certain classes of nanostructured superconductors can be mapped onto a quantum rotor. Furthermore, we provide a straightforward experimental procedure to convert this nanoscale superconducting rotor into a regular or inverted quantum pendulum with tunable gravitational field, inertia, and drive. We detail how these novel states can be detected via scanning tunneling spectroscopy. The proposed experiments will provide insights into quantum dynamics and quantum chaology.

Reference: S.H. Lin, M. Milosevic, L. Covaci, F. Peeters, B. Janko, Nature Sci. Rep. 4, 4542 (2014).

Event Series:

Condensed Matter Seminar: Mott Transitions of Correlated Fermions from SU(2) to SU(N)"

The encoding of SU(N) symmetric spin degrees of freedom in ultra-cold atom systems has recently brought the realization of antiferromagnetic order in optical lattices into close reach. We explore the quantum phases and phase transitions emerging in the most fundamental interacting models on the lattice, the SU(N)-symmetric Hubbard and Heisenberg model, by means of projective quantum Monte Carlo simulations from SU(2) to the large-N limit. We discuss the instabilities upon the introduction of local Coulomb repulsion and explicit SU(N)-symmetric Heisenberg-like spin exchange to different Fermi-surfaces. The extension to higher symmetries allows us to study the melting of phases as a function of correlations as well as symmetry.

Event Series:

Spin-Orbit Tuned Ground States in Single-Crystal Iridates

The iridates have become fertile ground for studies of new physics driven by spin-orbit coupling (SOC) that is comparable to the on-site Coulomb and other relevant  interactions.  This unique circumstance creates a delicate balance between interactions that drives complex magnetic and dielectric behaviors and exotic states seldom or never seen in other materials. A profound manifestation of this competition is the novel Jeff = 1/2 Mott state that was observed in the layered iridates with tetravalent Ir4+(5d5) ions. On the other hand, very little attention has been drawn to iridates having pentavalent Ir5+(5d4) ions, primarily because the strong SOC limit is expected to impose a nonmagnetic singlet ground state (Jeff  = 0). In this talk, we review the underlying physical properties of the iridates including perovskites, honeycomb lattices and double perovskites with pentavalent Ir5+ ions, and report results of our recent studies that emphasize spin-orbit-tuned ground states stabilized by chemical doping, application of pressure and magnetic field. In addition, we address the urgent question that the Jeff states may not survive in the presence of strong non-cubic crystal fields and/or exchange interactions.

Event Series:

In situ X-ray Studies of Functional Oxides for Energy Systems

Functional oxides and their interfaces offer new opportunities to overcome the 
current limits of energy storage and conversion systems, e.g., water dissociation 
and formation. However, the understanding of complex oxide interfaces and 
their electrochemical properties is far from complete, particularly with regard to 
electronic and ionic dynamics occurring in aqueous solutions or ionic liquids under 
applied electric fields. To elucidate the physical and electrocatalytic properties 
of oxide surfaces and interfaces, it is necessary to build a model system and to 
employ in situ experimental tools to detect and analyze the complex time-dependent 
phenomena. In this talk, I will introduce recent in situ synchrotron studies [1,2] 
conducted at Argonne National Laboratory that combine structural, spectroscopic, 
and electrochemical characterization on model systems, e.g., epitaxial perovskite 
or layered oxide thin films. With this methodology, we can determine both the 
reactivity and stability of active sites on complex oxide surfaces during water 
dissociation and formation. This approach offers much needed insight into the 
electrocatalytic properties of oxide interfaces and provides new strategies for the 
creation of new stable and active energy materials designed at the atomic level. 
[1] S. H. Chang et al., ACS Nano 8, 1584 (2014). 
[2] S. H. Chang et al., Nature Commun. 5, 4191 (2014).
Event Series:

Generating femtosecond second-harmonic pulses from ultrathin Archimedean nanospirals

The explosive growth in the development of plasmonic devices for sensors, switches, catalysis 
and optical data links is driving the evolution of increasingly sophisticated nanostructures for 
these applications. Arrays of ultrathin Archimedean nanospirals exhibit linear and nonlinear 
optical properties associated with near-field plasmon resonances within the nanostructures. The 
enhanced electric fields at these resonances enable efficient second-harmonic generation (SHG)
because individual nanospirals have no symmetry axis. We observe efficient SHG from arrays 
of lithographically fabricated, sub-wavelength-dimension nanospirals, initiated by transform-
limited 15 fs pulses at a wavelength of 800 nm. The nanospiral arrays respond selectively to 
incident linear and circular polarization states and exhibit conversion among polarization states. 
I will conclude by suggesting some ways in which the asymmetry and two-dimensional chirality 
of the nanospirals may lead to interesting applications in metamaterial devices.
Event Series:

Nanoscale probing of electromechanical responses by scanning probe microscopy: from piezoresponse to electrochemical strain

Electromechanical responses (the mechanical displacement induced by an applied electric field, and vice versa) are ubiquitous in nature. One of the most typical examples is converse piezoelectric response in ferroelectric and multiferroic materials. Another example is electrochemical strain induced by ionic motion, e.g., in Li-ion batteries and solid oxide fuel cells. Here, the recent scanning probe microscopy studies of those electromechanical responses in a variety of material systems are presented. First, the piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) study on the origin of polarization fatigue in epitaxial ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 capacitors will be shown [1]. In this study, PFM allows to visualize ferroelectric domain nucleation and growth during the fatigue process at the nanoscale time and length scales. It reveals that the evolution of domain wall pinning process is the primary origin of polarization fatigue, which has been a long-standing important problem in ferroelectrics. Second, the electrochemical strain microscopy (ESM) study on the nonlinear electromechanical responses in Ag-ion based ionic conductive glasses will be presented. ESM has recently emerged as a powerful tool to probe ionic transports and electrochemical phenomena at the nanoscale in many material systems [2]. In this study, interesting anti-
correlation between the first and second harmonic ESM responses are observed, and its possible origins are discussed.

[1] S. M. Yang et al., Adv. Funct. Mater. 22, 2310 (2012).
[2] N. Balke et al., Nat. Nanotechnol. 5, 749 (2010).

Event Series:
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