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Electroweak Baryogenesis, ACME II, and Dark Sector CP Violation

CP 179
Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
Dr. Yue Zhang

The origin of the matter-anti-matter asymmetry in the universe is a big puzzle for particle physics and cosmology. Baryogenesis mechanisms at the electroweak scale are attractive for their testability at high-energy colliders and low-energy experiments. The recent measurement of electron electric dipole moment by ACME II sets stringent limit on weak scale CP violations and challenges the viable parameter space for successful electroweak baryogenesis in traditional models, such as two-Higgs doublet models and supersymmetry. In this talk, I present our recent proposal of triggering electroweak baryogenesis with dark sector CP violation, which evades the above problem and leads to a number of new predictions for experimental tests. In particular, I will discuss a simple extension of the standard model with gauged U(1) lepton number to realize the idea. This novel mechanism makes new experimental predictions for it to be distinguished.

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